Frequently asked questions(In case you have additional questions which cannot be answered by reading the FAQ section, send those to the contact email account. We will publish the answers in the FAQ section.)Definitions: Owner: The owner of a line in the database which is linked to the line. User: The person accessing the database and trying to find the desired page or search result. How did the idea come about? The idea to introduce a new way of accessing the internet was build by the frustration about the available tools and search engines. The overall concept was set up by discussion over five years. What is the project about, what are the main goals? The project aims on the establishment of a database of the internet addresses, more or less like the “yellow pages” address book. The database shall act as a table of contents for the internet and allow the user to navigate to private and commercial pages by the use of simple filters. What is the difference to common search engines? One main difference is, that the yellow links address book will be 100% filled by the owner of the address. The database will not be filled by means of indexing tools. Another big difference is, that the database will be set up as a big overall table. There will be no search algorithm, no preferred search result setting and no commercialization. How does it work? The Filling: For example if user Mike has registered for Line 99: he will be allowed to fill his home page internet address and the related columns, like content, country, language, location, social media data and so on. But Mike will not be forced to fill the columns, he can also leave it blank, which will result in the fact, that people will not be able to find him. Considering that most people want to be found, it is expected that they will fill the column as good as possible. The Access: Any other things? Some major topics which have to be solved, but which are elaborated: A validation system: A voting system: Voting will be allowed only by validated owners and by users in separate groups to reduce the risk of bot usage. Also the source of the vote will be listed, to reduce the amount of abuse. Commercialization: Decentralization: Data quality: